Résultats de recherche

  • Conversion de systèmes frigorifiques de supermarchés du R404A vers le R449A (en anglais)

    Deux exemples de conversion de systèmes frigorifiques de supermarchés du R404A vers le R449A.

    • Date de publication : 09/08/2017
    • Sujets : Alternatives aux HFC
  • Ratification de la Norme Européenne EN 378: l'IoR souligne les principales modifications dans une note explicative.

    Quelles sont les principales différences entre la norme EN:2008 et la norme EN:2016 ? L'Institut britannique du froid répond dans une note explicative de quatre pages.

    • Date de publication : 19/01/2017
    • Sujets : Réglementation
  • France : entrée en vigueur de la norme NF EN 378 au premier avril 2017

    La norme NF EN 378, est entrée en vigueur le premier avril 2017.

    • Date de publication : 06/04/2017
    • Sujets : Réglementation
  • ISO 5149 standard revision: negative vote

    Draft revised ISO/FDIS 5149 (Parts 1 to 4) standard “Refrigerating systems and heat pumps -- Safety and environmental requirements” which was submitted for voting on October 3, 2012, has been rejected by ISO countries (except Part 4 on operation,...

    • Date de publication : 10/10/2012
    • Sujets : Réglementation
  • French supermarkets turn to ice slurries

    - Carrefour 's Collégien, France, hypermarket is using indirect refrigeration for over 6100 m 2 out of a total 15 000 m 2 surface area: CO 2 (in a 4-loop system) for temperatures below 0°C (refrigerating capacity: 232 kW) and ice slurries...

    • Date de publication : 11/02/2005
  • Paris district cooling is growing

    A presentation of the Paris district cooling system by François Dupoux, President-General Director of Climespace (operator of the district cooling system) during the IIR-AFF centenary conference in Paris attracted a lot of interest. Many...

    • Date de publication : 12/08/2008
  • Ice storage

    Ice storage is not only beneficial in economic terms, it is also energy-saving, noise-free and helps extend the life of the systems. It consists in keeping a certain amount of ice, as a way of storing "cold", in order to use it later. It was...

    • Date de publication : 05/08/2007
  • New technology to reduce emissions and save energy

    In November 2004, Eddie Woods, founder of Meeko2004, an organization working in coordination with Oklahoma State University to bring new technology to the air-conditioning industry, announced that a new patent-pending technology aimed at reducing...

    • Date de publication : 22/12/2004
  • Supermarket news

    Tesco ( Thailand ) has almost completed a 5-year £18-million programme to replace all CFCs and HCFCs used in its stores and is replacing refrigerating equipment with highly energy-efficient systems. Energy consumption has dropped 30%, this being...

    • Date de publication : 14/06/2005
  • Cheers to that!

    An innovative brewery refrigeration system that uses natural CO2 gas has been conceived by engineers from the Ziemann Group in collaboration with Axima. This system, which will be of particular interest to large plants with extensive pipe networks...

    • Date de publication : 05/05/2006
  • The HCFC phase-out challenge (4)

    The results of a recent study* sponsored by the refrigerants manufacturer DuPont show that 65% of refrigerating plants in 9 key European Union markets were still using HCFC refrigerants 18 months before the ban on use of virgin HCFCs in EU...

    • Date de publication : 25/10/2008
  • Briefs: phase-out of HCFCs

    The December 31, 2009 deadline for the phase-out of HCFCs is expected to generate important problems in many countries: - In the US, no HCFC-22 can be produced or imported for use in refrigerating equipment manufactured after December 31, 2009....

    • Date de publication : 09/12/2009
  • Micro-Innovation

    Mechanical engineers at Purdue University have created a miniature device that aims to replace conventional evaporators. Cited as a "long-term solution" in technological advances, the use of existing technical know-how for the refrigeration loop...

    • Date de publication : 19/07/2005
  • Briefs: CO2 heat pumps in a retirement home

    Villa Laura, a retirement home near Florence, Italy, is equipped with 4 water/water ground-water heat pumps operating with a transcritical CO2 cycle providing heating, air conditioning and hot water. This technology is already used to produce hot...

    • Date de publication : 20/11/2007
  • ASHRAE publishes Refrigeration Safety Standard

    ASHRAE has published its 2004 refrigeration safety standard, which establishes procedures for operating equipment and systems to ensure the safety of the building occupants and technicians. ANSI/ASHRAE 15-2004 Safety Standard for Refrigeration...

    • Date de publication : 12/01/2005
  • IIR Working Party on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems: Join Us!

    Suitable design of refrigerating systems has several benefits in terms of limitation of the environmental impact thanks to a reduction in the energy consumption and the limitation of refrigerant emissions. The direct greenhouse effect accounts for...

    • Date de publication : 25/10/2008
  • Une nouvelle Note d’information de l’IIF sur la qualification et la certification des techniciens du froid

    La 28e Note d’information de l’IIF résume les normes et réglementations internationales, régionales et nationales relatives aux qualifications et certifications du personnel du froid.

    • Date de publication : 07/10/2015
  • ICR 2011 in Prague: a Resounding Success

    Le 23e Congrès International du Froid, qui s'est tenu à Prague du 21 au 26 août 2011, a été un franc succès...

    • Date de publication : 30/08/2011
  • Conference update: Ohrid

    The 3rd IIR event in a series, Ammonia Refrigeration Technology was held on May 7-9, 2009, in Ohrid, Macedonia. With 95 participants from 24 countries and 32 papers presented, the event was very successful. A key focus of this series of...

    • Date de publication : 27/05/2009
  • Editorial de Didier Coulomb

    The 23rd International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2011) will take place in Prague on August 21-26, 2011. This will be the key refrigeration event in 2011 and will deal with all facets of refrigeration and refrigeration technology. Around...

    • Date de publication : 07/02/2011
  • IIR Working Parties

    The IIR has 10 commissions: Cryophysics, cryoegineering (A1); Liquefaction and separation of gases (A2); Thermodynamics and transfer processes(B1); Refrigerating equipment (B2); Cryobiology, cryomedicine (C1); Food science and engineering (C2);...

    • Date de publication : 09/12/2009
  • June 2004: fruitful meetings of the IIR’s statutory committees

    Here are some highlights of the annual meetings of the IIR's statutory bodies (Management Committee, Science and Technology Council [STC] and Executive Committee): Strategic Plan of the IIR Four years after having adopted its Strategic...

    • Date de publication : 27/07/2004
  • Conference update: Stockholm

    The 2nd IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 16-17, 2010. The main themes are: design of low-refrigerant charge systems thermodynamics in compact heat exchangers; design...

    • Date de publication : 07/03/2010
  • New IIR publication

    The CD-ROM proceedings of Ammonia Refrigerating Systems, Renewal and Improvement, an IIR conference held in Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM), on May 6-8, 2005, comprise 29 papers spanning a wide range of ammonia applications. Key topics: past, present and...

    • Date de publication : 19/07/2005
  • New IIR publications: Saving Energy in Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pump Technology

    The French version of the IIR guide Saving Energy in Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pump Technology will be published in November 2009; the goal of this guide is to provide practical ways of minimizing the energy consumption of...

    • Date de publication : 09/12/2009
  • Conference update: Stockholm

    The 2nd IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 16-17, 2010. Key themes include: design of low-refrigerant charge systems; thermodynamics in compact heat exchangers; design...

    • Date de publication : 27/05/2010
  • New publications: Energy Savings

    The IIR has published a new version of its guide Saving Energy in Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pump Technology; the goal of this completely revised version prepared by Forbes Pearson and several IIR experts and launched during the Bali...

    • Date de publication : 12/02/2008
  • 1st IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction

    1st IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems will be held in Antony, France, on April 6-7, 2009. Contact helene.macchi@cemagref.fr to register and present a paper

    • Date de publication : 13/02/2009
  • Conference update: Antony

    1st IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems will be held in Antony, France, on April 6-7, 2009. Contact helene.macchi@cemagref.fr to register and present...

    • Date de publication : 24/02/2009
  • IIR Research Priorities

    The IIR decided, within the framework of its Strategic Plan, to draw up a list of research priorities for the future. It hopes that these priorities will be a valuable guiding force for decision-makers in the public and private research sectors,...

    • Date de publication : 19/07/2005